Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Will You Take the Call?


Here is another nugget from the New Man Magazine website's Daily Tune-Up section.

This blessed me because it showed me that I still have work to do on this earth. I have to decide which call I am going to take. I can't let the "phone" keep ringing. I can't keep checking the caller id and ignoring the call. It is sad for me to say that I have not been preparing myself for the call, or I have been very slow with my preparations. I hope we all can make a decision to answer the call for not our sakes, but for those that are lost, that are in need of hope, direction and love.

There is a high calling and a low calling. The high calling is a life lived on earth according to heaven’s standards; it is see the kingdom of God manifested through an individual life. People who live in the high calling control their surroundings. By staying in their authority, they change the spiritual climate from oppression to liberty.

Darkness cannot overpower light. Light expels darkness. The brighter the light, the more the darkness is displaced. This is how it is when we walk in the authority of God’s kingdom. We place our surroundings under its rule.

Jesus could eat with sinners because He controlled the atmosphere. If you are stronger in God than the unbeliever is in the devil, you will control the atmosphere. If a sinner is more dominant in evil than the believer is in righteousness, the unbeliever will control the spiritual climate.

When you decide to live in the high call, you will face opposition and resistance. “Yes, and all who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution” (2 Tim. 3:12, NKJV). Again we are told, “We must through many tribulations enter the kingdom of God” (Acts 14:22, NKJV).

Yet many Christians settle for and live in the low calling. Why? They do not want to face the resistance that accompanies pressing toward the high calling. They would rather conform to their surroundings than change them by godly confrontation. It is much easier to blend in than stand out. When faced with opposition, some settle for compromise and seek the path of least resistance.

—John Bevere

Lord, I don’t want to settle for less. Regardless of the consequences, let me answer the higher call of a true disciple of Jesus.

John Bevere, Breaking Intimidation (1995), 195–196.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Undiluted, Uninhibited Jesus


I found the following to be a blessing. It is from Newmanmag.com's DAILY TUNE-UP section. The information in the entry is a reminder for me about the type of husband, friend, father and son I need to be.

The eternal One who established His kingdom in men two millenia ago is fully capable of producing it in us today. All we need is undiluted, uninhibited Jesus. All we need are hearts that will not be satisfied with something or someone less than Him.

If we argue church government and peripheral doctrines, we will miss completely the true purpose of the church, which is to make disciples of Jesus. Some of you want a pastor; others want elders. Still others will not budge without a deacon’s board. A few of you will be unsatisfied until apostles and prophets function interdependently.

Let me make it plain: God is not raising up “ministries”; He is raising up bondslaves. After we recognize that the goal is not ministry but slavery, we will begin to see the power of Christ restored to the church.

The pattern for leadership in the years ahead is simple: Leaders must be individuals whose burning passion is conformity to Jesus Christ. Is this not becoming the very passion of your heart, to possess the likeness of Christ? The issue with our churches is not merely one procedure over another; the issue is, will we become people who are seeking hard after Christ?

—Francis Frangipane

Lord, the church needs leaders who are seeking God, not their own promotion. Give us shepherds who are willing to serve as bondslaves of Christ.

Francis Frangipane, The House of the Lord (1991), 37–38.

Friday, June 27, 2008

When Being Too Smart Is A Bad Thing


I found this gem at NewManMag.com and thought I would share it with those in the "blogosphere."

The Pharisees possessed great knowledge of the Scriptures without knowing the spirit of them; therefore, their ministry produced death. It pulled and pushed people away from the heart of God rather than drawing them to Him. They separated people from God with their legalistic knowledge, representing God as they perceived Him—with their heads and not their hearts.

Jesus declared, "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God" (Matt. 4:4, NKJV). Notice He did not say "proceeded." That would be past tense. The Scriptures alone are what proceeded out of the mouth of God. He said "proceeds," which is present tense. We must know the Lord of the Scriptures to know what is proceeding out of His mouth today.

Jesus said in John 16:13, "However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth" (NKJV). With the help of the Holy Spirit, we can know what Jesus is saying.

You may ask then, "What good are the Scriptures?" They are guidelines to assist and direct us. They are God-breathed, and when quickened by the Holy Spirit they become alive in our hearts and not just in our heads. They are the standard we use to confirm that we have heard from the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit will never speak contrary to the Scriptures. But we can get hung up when we limit what the Holy Spirit can say or do to that which fits into our mental understanding of the Scriptures. This was the error of the Pharisees.

—John Bevere

Lord, please guard my heart for the legalism of the Pharisees. I want to teach others the spirit of Your Word, not the letter of the law.

John Bevere, Breaking Intimidation (1995), 172–173.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

An Enchanted Afternoon


My daughter participated in her first dance recital today. Her performance was superb, for a three-year old. :-) I took her to the dress rehearsal on Friday, where her performance was less than spectacular (click here for dress rehearsal), even for a three-year old.

She more than made up for it at the actual recital. We arrived at the venue (which was Hatboro-Horsham High School) for the recital about a half our early. I wanted to get a parking spot that was close to the building and to the exit. And I wanted to make sure that we were well situated before the performance. We were so situated that an usher had to ask us to leave the auditorium because we entered too early. The recital didn't start until 12pm, however, we were i the auditorium at about 11:45am, but no one indicated that we were allowed to enter the auditorium. My daughter had to enter at the side entrance since she was one of the performers, you know. My mother, brother, in-laws, niece and friends were in attendance. We waited through 14 other performances before the main attraction -- my daughters group. They were dressed so beautifully. Their outfits were very pretty and had a sparkling effect. Their teacher was off stage "helping" them get through the routine.

I had wondered during the time when she attended her weekly classes how she would handle the recital. I wondered would she be scared? Would she just freeze in front of the audience? Would she run off the stage crying? Well, needless to say, she did nothing of the sort. She was a true performer. :-)

I was so proud of her. I was all smiles as I saw her following the direction of the teacher and not her fellow classmates. It was the beginning of something special. I am looking forward to my other daughter joining the dance school.

By the way, information about the dance school can be found here: Dance With M.E.


Friday, May 9, 2008

House: 1 Me: 0


The task of remodeling our new home continues. I took three days off of work to remove the enormous amount of existing wallpaper in the house. After three days of scraping the existing the wallpaper from the walls, I can testify that wallpaper is evil! I don't know who created wallpaper, more specifically, the glue, but they must have had a sadistic nature. (Of course I am joking.) However, once you have had to deal with multiple layers of wallpaper and glue on top of wallpaper that has been painted over (several layers), you may come to the same conclusion.

I hired some helpers and it took us three days to scrape wallpaper on the first floor and some of the second floor. We are still not complete. We have the third floor hallway, the remaining second floor rooms, and the second floor hallway. Thankfully, the third floor rooms do not contain wallpaper. And once all the wallpaper has been scraped, we will roll it up along with the carpet.

This house has seen many repairs and experienced quite a bit of damage in some areas. The damage is not extensive, just typical for a house that sat uninhabited for a year and through repairs/remodeling not done the proper way.

We are working to get estimates to remove asbestos from the old boiler, radiator pipes and a heater tank. I never would have guessed that I would be dealing with asbestos. Having asbestos removed by an asbestos abatement company is a pretty penny. We have heard suggestions that it would be cheaper to remove it ourselves or have someone else remove it. My concern is that the disposal must be done environmentally correct. I do not want to damage this earth any more than it already has been.

We are obtaining other quotes for different work that needs to be done. That process is a learning experience. The individuals I met while obtaining the quotes seem like good people and they love what they do. Some of the quotes were reasonable, other seemed a bit higher than what I was expecting. I hope to have made my decisions by next week.

I hope to have some photos posted soon.


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

A New Challenge Is Upon Me...


I am embarking upon a challenge that will stretch me physically and mentally. We purchased a home that is about 5,000 square feet and the house was in pretty good shape. It was a foreclosure and sat vacant for about a year.

My wife and I happened across the house in March of 2008. We saw the house and liked it. We put a bid in and the bid was rejected. We had requested a $10,000 credit based upon the results of a home inspection. (By the way, make sure when you are about to buy a house, that the contract includes an escape via the home inspection.) So, we returned from vacation and the house was put back on the market for less (yes, LESS) than our offer price. Well, needless to say, we pursued the property again. This time our initial offer was countered and we agreed to the counter offer. We thank God that the house came around again.

Now, we are in the process of remodeling the kitchen and two bathrooms. We are removing the plethora of wallpaper in the house and painting the walls where there was wallpaper. We are removing the 16 trees that are on the property and adding a quarter bath next to bathroom. That way, people can eat and not be slowed down too much by having to relieve themselves. The work will be very involved and detailed, but when the work is complete, what a home it will be!!

This process is teaching me that I still have a ways to go when communicating with my wife. We thought we understood each other concerning a change for the side yard of the house. She was saying one thing and I was hearing another. :-)

The fixing up of the house is keeping me very busy. I am trying to keep up with my life outside of the house, but believe me, it is a challenge.

When this season has passed, I will be taking a vacation!!



Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Discerning the Process of A New Day


Pastor Willie Blakely brought forth a needful word on Sunday, April 20th.

The message from the Lord was about truly realizing that we need Him to properly live this life; that we need to direct others to Him (and not us) so that they may properly live this life. We need Him to carry out His will for our life while on this earth. We can no longer waste any more time trying to figure things out, or trying to seek others for advice, affirmation or agreement. We need to hear the truth, read the truth, speak the truth and live the truth. We have to either take God's Word as being true and powerful, or not. We have to be all in.

Pastor Blakely took his text from Isaiah 43.

Pastor Blakely informed us that God is trying to make His people realize that he is doing something new and trying to change our way of thinking so that we can move past our limited human thinking. We need to take the limits off of God and let Him be God. We have to realize that this life is not about us anymore. We have a higher purpose. And we don't have to worry about the devil derailing that purpose because we are more powerful than him. Once we really believe that and CHOOSE to operate in it, we will be in a totally different place spiritually. We would advance further along to where God can begin to really use us. We need to really see what God is trying to show us and wants us to see concerning our lives and His divine purpose.

We were reminded that God is not really interested in our gift. (He will use our gift because we are available at the time it is needed.) God is more interested in our character and that we do what is right. We cannot think of ourselves as not needing healing, mercy, repentance or forgiveness. We cannot get caught up in thinking of ourselves higher than we ought to. With that kind of thinking, we are setting ourselves up to fall and that could extended into the lives of the people that are rightly connected to us. Or, if we are in a leadership position, we could be leading God's people away from God instead of toward God. That would be a very terrible thing for all involved.

For those that have accepted Christ as their personal savior, this life is truly about doing God's will. We need to be in a place where we are more concerned with His will for our lives than anything else. We have to always remember that relationship is more important than religion. I don't think we can ever not need to be reminded of that fact.


Monday, April 14, 2008

Forget In Order to Identify


Minister Anh Brown allowed the Lord to use her to bring forth a simple, yet potent and timely word.

Her scriptural text was taken from Philipians 3:13.

The preacher for that day talked to us about forgetting our past so that we can identify who we are in Christ. We need to forget so that we are not hindered in identifying who we are. It is so important that we rely on God for everything. We cannot let our accomplishments or failures take the credit for who we are. And we don't want to use those accomplishments or failures as a crutch. We need to stand on God's word and trust in God with our whole heart. The former things are a hinderance, a weight that prevents us from moving like we should and where we should, for God and in God. (I know I need to let go of some things and truly embrace the possibilities in God.)

The preacher informed us that we need to learn to walk in the spirit. And she offered up a great definition for how someone actually walks in the spirit. And you might think is was something deep, but it wasn't. The way one walks in the spirit is by denying self. Yup, that is it. Simple, yet profound, huh? That is something which is easier said than done because of our self-preservation mindset. Imagine the freedom we would have if we stopped being so concerned with us all the time. We are upset about what this one said about us, or what that one did to us five years ago, five days ago or even five minutes ago. Imagine the lives we could touch by getting over ourselves and allowing God to rule our thoughts, our movement, our actions. As the preacher said, by allowing God to be responsible, it releases the pressure off of us. And that is a wonderful thing! ^_^


"Jesus plus nothing is all you need" -- Pastor Willie Blakely

Avoid The Hostage Situation


Pastor Willie Blakely brought a word that was truly from the Lord. The word had come as an edification and warning.

The scripture text is coming out of Exodus 1. The text talks about how the children of Israel multiplied as a people and the king that watched and was concerned about their multiplying. The devil is doing the same thing with God's people -- he is watching the multiplication of God's people and devising a plan to destroy God's people.

We were instructed to avoid the hostage situation. Who is holding who hostage you ask? The devil is holding God's people (those who claim Christ as Lord and saviour) hostage because we are allowing it. We are allowing it by not spending time with God in prayer. We are allowing it by not studying his word. We have to change our way of thinking. We have to call a sin a sin. We can no longer believe that a certain sin is worse than another; there are no varying levels of sin. All sin is putrid in the nostrils of God.

We need to learn to ask for help. The Bible says in Proverbs 16:18 that pride goes before destruction. The enemy is using pride and other devices to put us in a hostage situation. And we have been operating in those areas for so long that we can hardly see that we are very vulnerable to the enemy's attacks. We have to ask the Lord to open our eyes so we can see; we want our Spirit man to be strengthened so that we can get into a place where we are aware of the enemy's devices and we can deflect that attacks.

And the kicker is that the devil knows we have power over him, but we are the ones that don't know we have power over him. The devil lays hold of our mind and causes us to think we have no power. But that is the furthest from the truth. We need to counteract those thoughts. We need to avoid the enemy's domain. We need to avoid the things mentioned in Galatians 5:19-21. As Galatians 5:1 tells us, we don't have to be trapped by the enemy because we have been set free. We are set free from being ruled by our emotions. We are set free from remaining too long in a downtrodden state.

We have to stop trying to build buddy systems and forgoing telling one another the truth. We need to love one another enough to tell the truth. We should only be concerned with God liking us, meaning we need to make sure we live the word of God and not just preach it or quote it. We can't afford to let our brother or sister go to hell because we don't want to lose their friendship, or we are concerned that we won't get invited to a banquet, or get invited back to preach, or that we can't have anyone preach at our anniversary service and help us raise money for the "need of the week."


"Jesus plus nothing is all you need" -- Pastor Willie Blakely

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My children


I just wanted to share an experience I had today with my oldest daughter. I had called home from work to discuss some business with my wife, but before I could even mention it, my wife begins to inform me that my oldest daughter locked herself in the bathroom on the first floor and gave herself a haircut. This was disturbing because she had the forethought to lock the bathroom door, which says she knew what she was doing. The house has two full bathrooms, and the first floor lavatory can be locked via a latch that is at my daughter's level. And I don't even know when she learned that there was a lock and how the lock works. She used scissors, a child's pair of scissors, that my wife bought for her arts and craft projects.

When I heard that news I thought "What in the world!?" I was totally surprised and disappointed. I was disappointed because I had already had words with my daughter concerning locking the bathroom door because she has done it in the past. I was scared because I thought what if she harmed herself while in the bathroom. Thank GOD that she didn't harm herself. Then my immediate thought on punishment was spanking her, and I was unanimous in that decision. Oh yeah, and my daughter actually wanted to talk to me when she realized I was on the phone with her mother. She told me she was reading her Bible. (How about that? Coincidence?) Now, you can't tell me that kids are not smart. By the way, my daughter that performed this is three years of age. So her telling me that she was reading her Bible made me pause for a second. But I was still set on spanking her rear end for what she had done.

So, as I made my trek home after work, I debated whether or not to still beat her. I went back and forth. I thought, maybe this is a cry for attention, or perhaps she saw a fellow student pretend at school. I recalled that she did lock the bathroom door before and I told her that was wrong. Because of the previous offense with locking the door and that she should have asked to use the scissors, I resolved that I would still beat her.

When I walked through the door, I was greeted by guess who? I was greeted by my daughter who had given herself the haircut. She hugged me and went trotting off to the kitchen. After I took my coat off, I sat my daughter down and explained to her that I was disappointed in her cutting her hair. I told her I was concerned for her safety when she locked herself in the bathroom. After that was said, I spanked her on her legs a few times. She cried, of course. I took her with me to the dinner table to eat dinner. She ate a little piece of fish and fell asleep.

I had called my mother before I left workand asked if that is normal behavior for children. My mom said that my brothers and I tried to cut each others hair but not our own hair.

With the introduction of my children to my life, my life has taken a change of course that I could never have imagined. This change in course has been very rewarding and very challenging at the same time. The only thing I would have done differently is purchase a four-door car instead of a two-door car. Prior to my wife and I having children, my wife wanted a coupe for her new car. And, at the time, I didn't see a problem with that. But oh, if I knew then what I know now...


Encouragement - Continued

I came across the following on the www.newmanmag.com website. It blessed me, so I thought I would share it. Blessings.

Let the River Flow

There can be no greater delight than walking in daily fellowship with the Holy Spirit. What a glorious experience! But it is imperative to seek the Lord continually. Jesus said, “Remain in me, and I will remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me” (John 15:4, NIV).
The delight of daily fellowship with God was not evident in the believers in Ephesus. Although the Ephesian church abounded in praiseworthy works, it is recorded that they had “forsaken” their “first love” (Rev. 2:4, NIV). They had slipped from the privileged position where they were “seated with him in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus” that the apostle Paul mentioned in Ephesians 2:6.
Therefore, the Lord was compelled to exhort them, “Remember the height from which you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first. If you do not repent, I will come to you and remove your lampstand from its place” (Rev. 2:5, NIV).
A Christian becomes weak in his faith when he no longer maintains his first love. He becomes “a professional” worshiper—he learns a few Bible verses; he adopts some religious vocabulary; he serves God in a token ministerial aspect; and then he insists, “I know it all.”
How sad! That Christian has lost his first love. The challenge for these times is keeping the flame of the Holy Spirit alive.

—Claudio Freidzon

Lord, I don’t want to lose my first love. Fan the flames of the Spirit in my heart and let me burn with zeal for You.
Claudio Freidzon, Holy Spirit, I Hunger for You (1997), 153, 155.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Real Deal: True Confessions


Grace and Peace to all who find themselves reading this blog entry. I trust all is well for your wherever, and however, you are at this time. If you are feeling a little down, I hope what you read here in this entry, or another entry, will lift your countenance to a better place.

At Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries today, the Lord used Pastor Tony Smith to speak to our hearts. God, through Pastor Smith, talked to us about being associated with God and how we arrive (or can arrive) at that association. We were told about true confessions and the real deal as it pertains to God and His son Jesus Christ.

Pastor Smith took his text from Romans 8:1-4, Matthew 19:16-22 and Romans 10:9.

Pastor Smith talked about how we all may have associated our salvation with a grandparent, or a parent or a relative. He talked about how we all knew the right things to say in the church and knew how to act in the church. And by "in the church," we mean in front of people. We know how to let people see what we want them to see. Pastor Tony talked about how God wants us to be transparent. Pastor Smith illustrated this with a brown paper bag and Ziploc(r) bag. The brown paper bag represented how we have a cover over us so that no one see what is going on in the inside. (We even think that God Almighty can't see through the paper bag). The Ziploc bag represented someone that is transparent -- they let God see what is going on with them on the inside.

Pastor Tony reminded us that we can have the real deal -- Jesus Christ -- for ourselves. We no longer have to live off of what grandma had/has or what our mother has. We can know Jesus for ourself. We can experience his unconditional love for ourself. We can (and will) be saved by association with Jesus Christ and not an association with our grandma, an uncle, or a step-parent. We need to make sure the only association we have when it comes to salvation is with Jesus Christ, because any other association is not real, and will only hurt us in the long term.

The scriptures Pastor Tony referenced help us to change our thinking when it comes to salvation and obtaining the real deal for ourselves. The scriptures remind us just how powerful, helpful and needful, the spirit of God is to us. The scriptures tell us just how powerful God's love is for us and that we can experience that love continuously. The scriptures tell us that we receive that love with a confession.

Be encouraged saints.


2008 Life Building Community Conference

Open Hands Community Outreach Corporation (an outreach ministry of Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries)
will be having a FREE conference on Saturday, April 26th at 11am at the Burlington Center Mall in the community room.

(Click here for directions to the Burlington Center Mall.)

The topics being discussed are as follows:
  1. Relationships

  2. Parenting

  3. Biblical Foundations

There will be time allowed for questions and answers, so come with your questions ready and be prepared to receive life building answers!

Refreshments and registration will be from 11am to 12pm.

Click the image below for the full itinerary for the conference.

For more information, please contact the following individuals:
  • Pastor Tony Smith -- yooney37@gmail.com

  • Sister Ronell Smith -- developingyoungminds@hotmail.com

  • Brother Jason B. Brown -- jason.mog@gmail.com

Below, please find a registration form. Click on the image to display it full size. At that point, you can print the form.

Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., Pastors Willie G. and Margaret M. Blakely.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Decide To Arise!


I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen savior. He got up from the grave after the third day!

God sent us a word via Pastor Willy Blakely on Sunday! The Lord asked us to make the decision to arise! God wants us to rise above the things that so easily take us off track and away from fellowship with him. He wants us to rise above the selfishness, the bad attitude, the fear, the past hurts, the misunderstandings, the lying, the anger, the low self esteem, grousing, etc.

Pastor's text was taken from Colossians 3:1-2.

Pastor pointed out that even though we rose from the grave with Jesus, some of us have went back to lay down in the grave. We need to first realize we have laid back down and then, with God's help, get back up and stay up! We need to be more mindful of what we are doing, saying, speaking, and hearing.

We were reminded to go back and take a look at the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-13) and to see if we have any of those working in us. If so, we need to ask God to cut it away from us, to prune us.

We were also told that we need to be able to fight for ourselves. We can't expect someone else to fight for us, if we won't even fight for ourselves. We have to be able to take a hit. We can't rely on the pastor, bishop or other saints ALL the time. We have to rely on God all the time and know when to call on the saints sparingly.

We were exhorted to be mindful of the spirit something is operating in. Meaning, we have to be careful in our conversations and ow much information we give out. As the word says, we should confess or faults (not sins) one to another. People don't need to know every wicked thing that you have done. There are people that can't handle that kind of information. Or, you have people that will take that information and use it against you. So, be careful about what you reveal to whom.

Saints, we really have to live this life the way God says to live in His word. We can't let anything become a weight to us as we run this race. We have too many important things to accomplish, rather, God has too many important things to accomplish through us. We need to stop the self-preservation and become sold out to God!

"Build your body as though you will live forever; build your spirit as though you will die tomorrow." -- Robert Fraley


Monday, March 10, 2008

Choose You This Day...


People of God, on this past Sunday (March 09, 2008), we were spoken to by God Almighty concerning making a choice. We were given a warning from God that we must either choose to serve him or choose not to serve him. We cannot sit on the fence, meaning we won't go to the left or to the right. We are living this life like our lives are our own. If we have accepted Christ as our personal savior, then our life is not our own. We have to DIE to our flesh and let God use us. We have to do as the Holy Spirit instructs and directs us. Almighty God needs his people to be available, but if we are trying to sit on the fence, we are not available to God. We are not even hearing clearly from God; we are in a foggy state. We are like glass windows with sap on them -- the windows cannot be used to see out of (no vision), nor can they be used to let light in (revelation).

We were given scripture on how to live for God -- Galatians 5:19-23 and the book of Matthew chapter 6. Those scriptures show us how we ought to live on this earth. We were reminded that the scriptures deal mostly with building our character and teaching us how we should live on this earth. The scriptures aren't about just blessings; there are small sections spent on blessings. The scriptures are for showing us how to live on this earth, how we ought to treat one another, how we ought to conduct business (yes, conduct business). We cannot forget that God is concerned about our character more than our gift. We can't just treat people any kind of way. We can't be Lord of ourselves and Jesus Christ. I personally prefer Jesus Christ, as I would do some damage to myself (and others) if left to my own devices. Praise God for Jesus!!

We also have to stop classifying sins as if one is worse then the other. Sin is sin in God's eyes. The one that has a bad attitude and curses is just as bad as the one that murders. We have to get serious about our new life. We have to remember that we have a job to do; that we have purpose while on this earth. We want to leave this earth empty, meaning we want to have poured out all that God placed in us. We want to live a life that was good, not that looked good. We want to have exhibited the love of God while on this earth.

I know the word convicted me in how I speak to people and my wife. I have to be mindful of what I say AND how I say it. I shouldn't be tearing someone down with my words. If my conversation is not edifying or encouraging, then I need to not speak it. If I am thinking, I need to take it to God. I need to watch how I handle my thoughts. God is fine with thoughts coming to us, but the problem comes in when we allow those thoughts to turn into the wrong actions. We have to cast those un-Godly thoughts down. We need to immediately start praising God so that thought is quickly banished. Or read the Word of God.

We need to spend time with God on a regular basis. We need to be in tune with him so that we are headed in the proper direction for every area of our lives. We need leaders that are full of the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and not full of their own opinions and humanity that comes across the pulpit as "thus sayeth the Lord." That mess can (and has) destroy peoples' lives.

Saints, let us get it together. Please make the choice to live for God. We have lost souls that need us. We have family members and friends that need us to bring them to Christ.


Revelation 3:16
Joshua 24:15

Saturday, March 8, 2008



The following scripture was shared with me by a man of God, and it blessed me, so I thought I would pass it along with the intent that it would be a blessing to some one else.

2 Corinthians 4:13 - 18 (The Message Translation)

We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, "I believed it, so I said it," we say what we believe.

And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive.

Every detail works to your advantage and to God's glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!

So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.

These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us.

There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.

This scripture reminds me that I need to trust God and make sure I continue on the path that he has set for me. It is the joy that is set before me that drives me; that allows me to endure. We need to know that it is not about us, it is about what God wants and has for us in the process of His divine purpose. The glory is God's. We do not deserve it and cannot attain it without His approval, which is his grace.

This scripture lets you know that the mess going on in your life, the struggles, the weird people, the rejections, the misunderstandings at work, home, or church, are for God's glory and to strengthen your faith in God. You are not crazy! Just trust in God and know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, to those that are called to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Be encouraged saints.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

True Good News


Today was another blessed and beautiful day at Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries. Today was an extra special day since our Minister Tony Smith was officially elevated to the office of Pastor. We thank God for him and his obedience to God.

The word was brought forth through Minister Tony Smith. He wasn't actually "Pastor" until after the 3pm ceremony. ^_^) The Lord used him to remind us to keep the truth in the Gospel. And the Gospel means Good News. It is the Good News that Jesus Christ was born, obeyed God, served the people, died on the cross for you and me and was risen to life on the third day after his death. The preacher demonstrated for us how the message of the Good News was initially distorted and how it remains distorted through the ages (see Matthew 28). The preacher also informed us of just how important of a message the Gospel is and how serious it is that the message not be given with distortions or with upgrades or modifications (see Galatians 1:6-9). He informed us just how far off base we have become as a church body. Our focus has so easily become lost. We have forgotten about the lost souls, the people that God wanted to bring back into right relationship with Himself.

Minister Tony so eloquently expressed to us the urgency of keeping the truth in the gospel. We were reminded that there are people's lives at stake. He reminded us of the sin sickness that is plaguing this country. He pointed out that this country is in dire need of the Gospel and that the Gospel can't be altered or doctored up because the end result will be something far less powerful than what God intended.

The preacher could not do enough to make it known that the lost souls should be our main priority as a body of believers. We should not be coming to church week after week just to pump each other up and not effect change in someone's life that doesn't know Christ as their personal savior. It was a reminder that we still have work to do. It was reminder that we have not completed our purpose on this earth. It was a reminder that we need to be ready to use whatever God placed in us to help direct the lost to Christ.

(It is no surprise that Minister Tony was elevated to Pastor.)


Sunday, February 24, 2008

Real Joy


Today we learned about real joy. We learned about the joy that comes from a person giving their life to Jesus. The joy that comes from a person knowing that they are loved; no matter what wrongs they have done.

Pastor Blakely allowed the Lord to have him explain to us the joy that God experiences when a person accepts Jesus Christ as their savior. This is the joy spoken of in Hebrews 12:1,2. And those that give their life to Christ are considered lost. Jesus taught about the lost in three parables in Luke 15.

In Luke 15, we see that something (or someone) can get lost in different ways. And what Jesus was saying was that no matter how you wound up lost, He has come that you may be found. It doesn't matter to Jesus how you were lost, it just matters that you are lost and need to be found.

The Lord was asking each of us, where is our joy? We need to stop being so concerned about self-preservation (selfishness) and concentrate on what God wants us to do -- win souls, that no one should be lost. We have to stop making everything about us. We have to get over ourselves and realize we have work to do -- kingdom work. There are people we have to reach; it is not all about pastors reaching the lost souls. And we have to die to our flesh, that we may live in the Spirit, be guided by the Spirit. We have to die to flesh so that the power of God that is in us is what governs us. (That is why fasting, when implemented correctly, is an important tool in teaching us how to keep our flesh under subjection.)

We have to change our focus and remember that we don't get saved to keep Jesus to ourselves. After we get saved, we should be taking advantage of every opportunity to share the good news with others so that they may experience the freedom and love that we experienced and are experiencing every day.

We need to spend time with God so that He can reposition our hearts to recognize lost (hurting) souls and that we can win them at any cost. We want to be able to respond to the question "What is your joy?" with words that include souls, winning and God. I know it is a tough question. But as pastor said this morning, that is the type of question we need to ask ourselves.

And we have to remember the common theme (or motivator) in all of this is LOVE. It is actually Agape love, which is unconditional love. We should love those we know the same as those we don't know, or are trying to know so we can introduce them to Christ and a relationship that will change them forever. We have to remember that God so loved the world (me, you, and them) that he gave his only begotten son....


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Selection for Jury Duty


I was called to the CJC (criminal justice center) at 1301 Filbert Street, to participate in the juror selection process. I reported on Tuesday at 8:15am. I arrived on time, after purchasing my coffee (two guesses as to the brand) and a pretzel braid/twist. I remember the previous times I was called to participate in this interesting process. The very first time I was picked for a trial I had to be sequestered because of the nature of the trial. I was placed in a hotel down by the Philadelphia airport with no access to television and telephones, for good reason. As a juror, I could not be contaminated with any information outside what was presented during the trial. Let me tell you, that was a very strange experience. I was still living at home and wasn't even dating the woman that would eventually become my wife. Myself and the other jurors must have spent at least three days in the hotel. We traveled on a van together. We went in a special juror entrance at the CJC. I ate pretty good during that time. I remember ordering chicken parmigiana dishes from the local eating establishment. (Thank you to all those people that were paying their Philadelphia taxes.) The trial involved a homicide. And we eventually had to determine the punishment for the crime. I do not recall what verdict was reached. It was an interesting time and I think I did not want to experience it again. I don't believe I cared for the time away from my family. I had not researched the selection process and did not know when I would be selected again, if at all.

Well, it came to pass that I was chosen again to participate. This time, I was chosen for a potential panel, however, the case never went to trial because I think some agreement was reached even before the juror selection process had gotten under way. So, I was sent back down to the pool to wait for another assignment. As God would have it, I was not reassigned and so I went home. Praise God! I would go about my daily life until the next time my number came up to serve.

Well, in 2008, my number came up. And it is funny, because my wife was called to serve the next day after me. Well, I reported to the CJC, and it was crowded that day. I saw all the people and wondered what am I going to encounter today. There was a long line to check your cell phone in and then another long line to get through the metal detectors. There were all kinds of people there. I forget just how diverse (economically, racially and socially) our city is. There were people busting in line. Someone busted in front of me and I did not say a word. Was I scared? Perhaps. Did it really matter that someone didn't wait in the long lines like everyone else? Perhaps. Was I jealous that I didn't have the guts [ignorance, callousness] to do the same thing? Perhaps. At any rate, I made it through the metal detector after removing my belt, coat and wallet. Then I needed to wait in another line to enter the juror waiting room. I obtained the necessary paperwork and entered the room. I searched for a seat, as there were plenty of people already in the room and seated. It seems there are others in the city that are punctual. I was hoping I would spend the entire day in the waiting room and then be sent home. No dice. I was selected as part of a group of 60 people. We were destined for the seventh floor, however, we made a fews stops along the way; and we all traveled as a group. The group was a rather unique mix of people. It is amazing how God made all these people and NONE of us look alike. There are no two black people, white people, Asian people, etc. that look alike. That is some serious creativity when you make all these people and no two are the same. You might think would have been tired and caused a certain number of people born in Philly on a Tuesday to have the same nose size and dimension, but everything else is different. No, God made everyone of us so unique, right down to our finger prints. That is a lot of finger prints. But I digress.

We were given some information about the judge and what to tell the judge concerning conflicts between our life and the prospect of serving as a juror. We were then brought before the judge, the defendant, and the lawyers. We were given some background information about the case, some information about legalese and then were asked a series of questions. I did not answer in the affirmative to the questions. They were questions that would determine, rather quickly, if I would be usable for the trial. They even asked if we knew anyone involved in the case, and if we did, would we be able to be fair in reaching a verdict. I did not know anyone involved in the case. There was a question about hardships -- meaning any circumstances that might prevent me from being able to serve as a juror. There were some interesting answers to that question. I told the judge my hardship was that I did not get paid for jury duty and that I had a paid vacation in March. The judge wanted to know what kind of company I worked for that did not pay me for jury duty. I gave him an answer and he said he would call my job later to confirm. (I checked later that night, since I had to return the next day, and I found out that my job pays me, minus what I make from serving. After learning this information, being a juror didn't seem so bad, especially if my vacation plans were not going to be interrupted.) They did not finish the interviews, and unfortunately, they kept us there until 5pm. They informed us that we had to return to the CJC the following day at nine o'clock in the morning. It was long day, but I did not complain to anyone or myself. We all did not want to be in that position and we were tired of the sitting around and waiting.

Since my wife was to report on that day, I rode the subway with her to the CJC. That was a nice time. I felt very proud that day, let me tell you! I made a few mistimed comments during the travel, but otherwise, it was a pleasant ride. We enjoyed a breakfast sandwich from a vendor and coffee together. She remembered somethings from when she worked downtown and she realized that riding in a car is very different from standing and waiting for public transportation. She actually had to use her gloves. Gasp!! :-O

So, I left her and returned to my court room to wait to be interviewed by the judge and the lawyers. I began to think about the person on trial and how if it were me, I would want to have the best people on the juror so that my trial would be as fair and impartial as possible, since my life might hang in the balance. I started resolving to the idea that I would actually be selected to serve on the jury. I was thinking of it as my civic duty and wanting to make sure the person on trial would have a fair chance. When it was finally my time to meet with the judge, I informed him that I did get paid. The judge let me know that the trial would not encroach upon my vacation time. I told the judge that that was satisfactory. The defense lawyer and the prosecution lawyer asked me questions. I answered them truthfully and then I was asked t wait outside for the decision of whether I was chosen or not as a juror for the case. Well, as it turns out, I was not chosen as a juror. I must say, I was relieved. I reported back to the juror waiting room to receive my "big balla" check for $18 (two days of service at $9 per day). The person at the desk was about to have me wait again to be selected, but then they realized I was a carry over from the previous day. I told the person that they were about to make my heart stop. I was definitely not trying to be there another day. The person printed my check and I was on my way!

I waited for my wife to be dismissed for lunch that day and we had lunch together at the Reading Terminal market. It was nice. There are a plethora of eateries in the Reading Terminal market. I haven't been there in some time. There is a good mix of eateries. They have "soul food", Thai food and Indian food. I hope to eat there again this week since my wife was picked for a case that might last until Friday.

Well, that is enough, I think, concerning my juror selection process. For those interested, the selection process is random based on voter registration and driver license records.

Monday, February 11, 2008



We learned about gratitude in church on Sunday. The Lord paid us a visit and used Pastor Blakely to get us to change our thinking. That is so needful in the church today. There is a tremendous amount of "stinkin' thinkin'." Our mindsets are so destructive, not just to ourselves, but to our families, and those around us. As a man, father, brother, it is vital that I keep my head together. And that I am honest enough with myself to know when I am not together and I need some help -- whether from my spouse, or another brother.

The word on Sunday was about being thankful. Do we really know what it is to be thankful? Do we take inventory of what we are thankful for? And it is not all about the material things, because they can come and go. The text on Sunday looked at Luke 7:36-50. This was the story of the woman with the expensive bottle of perfume. The preacher brought out just how grateful this woman was, all without saying a word.

I had never saw that from the standpoint of gratitude. At the end of the story, we read where Jesus forgives the woman of her sin. TALK ABOUT A WEIGHT BEING LIFTED OFF OF YOUR SHOULDERS! Praise God! One can only imagine what she had been going through all her life and then Jesus shows up! She went to that house and didn't care about what anyone else might have thought. And it was interesting how she didn't even look at Jesus. That let you know she wasn't there to have herself be seen like she might have normally done when it comes to her dealing with a man. I can imagine she was reaching a point in her life where she was tired. She thought about what her life was like up to around the time she started hearing about Jesus. I believe she needed a change; she needed something more. And she was probably watching and waiting for a time when she could get close to Jesus. And it is noteworthy that when she plans her visit, she has the perfume, which symbolizes worship. So that says to me she came the best way -- by worshiping Him. That is awesome. She was definitely ready to be changed, and not just on the outside. She wanted a total makeover, an Extreme Makeover, if you will.

It is amazing what we have to be thankful for. We just don't take the time to stop and think about it. And I am not even talking about material things. The message on Sunday was God wants us to have an attitude of gratitude. And when we have that attitude, then we won't be quick to have those other attitudes that we shouldn't have. Having a grateful attitude will help us deal with each other properly, as God would have it. We can be accepting of others because we have first accepted ourselves.

I encourage you to really take some time and think about what you have to be thankful for. I am thankful for my being covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ, for allowing him to come into my heart. I am thankful for my family, which I don't want to take for granted or let slip away. My wife and children are beautiful -- on the inside as well as on the outside. I am thankful that I have the Spirit of God in me so that I can spread the love of Jesus Christ to the saved and the unsaved. I thank God for giving me that ability, that authority.


Sunday, February 3, 2008


I believe the awareness or attraction for the opposite sex is different from lusting after someone of the opposite sex (if it were the same sex, well, that is a different topic all together, and not covered in this post). Lust involves will, making a choice. Can I really fault my wife for noticing a good looking man? As humans, we are visual people. Observing a nice looking adult human-being is going to happen. However, the problem comes in when we don't handle the thoughts we [might] have after the observation. Do we observe for too long, or focus too much on a certain body part? The time we are taking to focus or linger, is causing us to go down a path we don't need to be going down. We get into trouble when we start thinking of things that involve us and the attractive person (lust). We have to choose whether we are going to dismiss those thoughts or entertain those thoughts. And there are times when we do less dismissing than we should. That is when we have to ask for help from the Lord.

And for men, we can recall an image of an attractive woman without even wanting to. However, we can determine whether we will keep that image in our mind and go somewhere that we shouldn't with that image. We have a choice to dismiss the image, as we don't want anything to taint what we have with our wive. There are enough issues that don't involve sex, that you won't have to worry about your marriage being boring. :-) We men are fighting that daily, unfortunately, because of the society we live in today. Every where you look, there are images that are not very appropriate for a man trying to live holy. We have to make a conscious decision to bring those thoughts into captivity. We can't be selfish and think about how we didn't "get some" last night and we are going to pay her back. We have to take ourselves out of the equation and obey God. We don't want to put asunder what God has brought together.

I heard a preacher say that where your mind goes, your heart will soon follow. And we have an example of that in Lot's wife (see Genesis 19).

Be encouraged, saints!


God Is Truly Good!


God really showed up today during our corporate meeting at Open Hands Ministries. I thank God for a church where God's presence is welcomed.

The word blessed me today because it was given from a computer terminology perspective. The message given through Pastor Blakely was given from the perspective of downloading software to a computer (for updating existing software) and the disk fragmentation process. I was following along very closely to make sure Pastor Blakely used the proper terms at the proper time. I was listening to make sure he didn't use the wrong term/word to describe something. (If he had used something incorrectly, would I have corrected him, I wondered. "Who am I to correct the Pastor," I thought. Well, he didn't mix up words, so thank God. ^_^ I digress. The analogy was a very good one. In our lives, through daily living, we get fragmented, meaning we have our mind, heart and spirit all over the place. Neither one is lined up as it should be. And when that happens, we are not in a good state. We can't respond to God like we should, we can't respond to the enemy like we should. When we reach that state, we are in need of defragmentation, meaning, we need to have everything brought together so that it is continuous, having no gaps. And after that, we need to have an update to our thinking, we need to have our hearts and spirit updated. That is when we need to stand under the download, as Pastor put it. We need to get the latest update from God so we can be about our assignments on this earth. We need an update so we can communicate properly to our spouse, so that we can deal with that co-worker or boss. I thank God for providing the update, but we need to make sure we get in the place to receive the updates on a regular basis.

The other wonderful thing is that your spouse has a part of the update (or download) you need. Praise God!! As the Bible says, the two shall become one, so it shouldn't surprise you that your spouse has an update that quickens something in you. God knows what He is doing. Let Him do it!! That means we all have to learn to get along with each other. No more fighting over petty things. Ask God for the update that will help you communicate with your spouse effectively. Don't rely on what you think you know, or what you saw your parents do (I mean no disrespect to anyone's parents).

The Lord also spoke through Pastor Blakely to tell us that we shouldn't think our life wasted if we don't know what our purpose is (we should want to know, though). So we shouldn't think we wasted time because a certain number of years have passed in our life and we think we should have done this thing or that thing. We just have to be obedient and willing when God reveals to us our purpose. I thank God for that because I am one who thinks that I have lived my life and have not accomplished anything according to God's purpose for my life. As I learned today, I need to just keep on living and doing what is right in God's eyes. In God's time, and as I spend time with God, I will know what my purpose is.

I don't believe I will think of downloads on my computer in the same way after this message. God knows how to make things plain enough for everyone of us to understand and process. God is truly good to his people!!

Be encouraged saints. Keep your focus on God and do what is right in God's eyes. God is doing something in your life, just trust Him and obey Him.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Just passing a good article on. Not that I know anything, or am admitting anything, but it is always good to keep yourself in check. No one is above temptation, so don't fool yourself.

The dangerous path leading to adultery.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Any Given Sunday


Today, the family and I did not go to church. We went to Chinatown in Philadelphia to partake of Dim Sum. Dim Sum is what you might consider the Chinese version of brunch. However, the food choices are more exotic and not run-of-the-mill. For instance, they have one dish that is chicken's feet. Yes, chicken's feet. They have dishes anywhere from fried dumplings, to shrimp balls to dumplings with shrimp and scallions. I remember not really being into it when I was first introduced to it. However, at this point, I can say that I am a professional! :-)

We decided to "take off" from church today. We received inquires from different people asking if we were alright. It is funny how we ask someone if everything is alright when we don't see them in church. (I say "we" because I do the same thing.) I am not complaining, mind you. I thank God and appreciate that people are thinking about me and my family. But it just seems odd, though, that people assume something is wrong when you are not in church. But, as my wife pointed out to me, it is just that when people get used to you being present in church on a regular basis, and then you aren't, the natural train of thought is that something is wrong. I guess we have been conditioned to think that, because if something bad didn't happen, why wouldn't you be at church? But I am thankful that I am being taught that God is a god who is all about the family. And he would rather see your family in order before you are making sure the church is in order and your family is in shambles.

Surely, God is OK with your family not being in church, or more appropriately, praising Him in a corporate setting and hearing from his designated prophet/preacher/teacher. We have to remember, the four walls are not what constitutes our relationship with God. We have to have a relationship outside the four walls. If our "relationship" with God is only apparent on Sundays, then we are serious need of help. We need to make sure God is reverenced in our homes during the week, not just on Sunday when we are getting the family ready for church.

I wanted to share that tidbit in hopes that someone begins to see things in a different way.

By the way, I would recommend trying Dim Sum at least once in your life. If you need a recommendation, or would like some company and want to be a blessing (and not a curse ^_^) to the Brown family, let me know. :-)


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Get a Realization of God in Your Life!


CHRISTIANS -- WAKE UP! We have to get it in our heads that our life is not our own! This life is not about "us, our four and no more." (Evangelist Ronell Smith)

The word today at Open Hands Ministries, brought through Evangelist Ronell Smith, was about us, as Christians, not needing a new word, but ACTIVATING the abundant word we have already heard. We have received so much "right now" word over the past few weeks, that we don't need any more. We need to take what we have and ACT on it! We need to pour out of ourselves, whether through prayer, ministering or fellowship, so that our brothers and sisters in Christ who are dying (spiritually) can live again (as was said by God to Ezekiel [see Ezekiel chapter 37]). We need to pour out of ourselves so the person, or family, that doesn't know the love of Christ can come into the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We need to pour out so that family, or person, can have life and have it more abundantly. And having life can be as simple as being able to enjoy the day with your family without the kids acting up, or mommy and daddy arguing. (This was the case for me and my family yesterday. I commented to my wife that I felt like the day we had on Saturday was real living. That is why Jesus came and died for us. I thank God for Jesus.)

So, as the preacher said on today, we cannot be happy with just us getting full off of how wonderful God is! We must be ever mindful of our brothers or sisters that are hurting. We must, as the Lord directs, be aware of what is going on behind the smile, behind the laughter. Our brother or sister could be in need of healing in their marriage, in their hearts.
or in their career. We just can't think that we live this life just for ourselves. We have to remember the new converts, we have to be mindful of our midnights and the morning afterwards and we have to be mindful to resurrect and strengthen our alters. We need to have consistent, quality time with God.


Husbands, Wives, Space and Time...


I just wanted to share a little something from my life concerning husbands, wives, space and time. By space and time I mean that husbands and wives need time apart. It is true that the Bible tells us "the two shall become one." However, that doesn't mean we are supposed to be around each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is healthy and needful for a husband and wife to spend time apart. You need sometime apart to truly appreciate the time together. And make sure you have time together, because that is equally important. And time together is more than just having "married people relations," if you catch my drift.

For me and my wife, we learned that early on in our marriage. By early, I mean in the fifth year, or so, of marriage. And by learn, I mean that I realized that it was alright for my wife and I to spend time apart. I had to learn that the hard way -- meaning a few hash words and major problems in my marriage for it to get through to me. I needed to ask for help from God to get over my issues with always needing to be around my wife and the need to have to know where she is all the time (that translates into me having insecurity issues, which I am still struggling with at times). And if I am calling my wife to check up on her while she out, that is not good. I need to let my wife do her thing and realize that she will return home. And that means I need to occupy my time with something else and not concentrate on when my wife will be home. If you have children, you automatically have something to occupy your time. But if you don't, then I would suggest you get a hobby. Or find some friends to go out with yourself, or go out by yourself. In other words, get yourself a life.

As husband and wife, you will bring expectations or understandings into the marriage that you don't realize can cause major challenges, or major problems in the marriage if those expectations or understandings are not communicated. If you don't know by now, communication is key in all relationships. And we should be willing to communicate in relationships that are worth something. However, you must understand that men and women communicate very differently. So, husbands and wives are faced with the challenge to learn the most effective ways to communicate with each other. And this is not impossible, it just requires some effort.

So please, people, be OK with your spouse going out with the girls or the boys. It is all good. You should find that allowing them that time away will help them appreciate you more and let them know you are secure in your marriage.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Call [Sunday worship and word @ OpenHandsMinistries.org]


This evening I would like to mention, briefly, what I experienced in church on this morning. Our group of believers had a visitation from God by way of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit admonished us to give him more of ourselves. We need to watch less television, or spend less time on the telephone, or spend less time on the computer. We need to spend more time building up our relationship with Him.

The preached word was a call to prepare ourselves by giving an identity and name to whatever God has placed in us and has prepared for us. We need to give that ministry, that gift an identity so it will flow. Without an identity, what is birthed can be taken and manipulated by someone that is not in the will of God, if we let them. We have to be ever so careful that we use an identity given by God so that we do not find ourselves in an identity crisis.

God is telling us that what we need is already provided. We just need to be ready for it, because it is coming. That is why we were instructed last Sunday to ressurect the altar; we need to be in consistent communion with God because he is ready to do some great things through us. We have the nerve to think we are waiting on God to get Himself together. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Today, the presence of God was in that place. I thank God for that presence. I thank God the opportunity to pray and publicly express thanks to God for His goodness and His grace.

We also gave a wonderous praise to God for the healing of our pastor. We thank God that He is not going to let happen what the enemy would like to see happen with the health of our pastor.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Eve 2007


We attended a fellowship/party at my parent's house on New year's eve 2007. This was the first time my wife and I were not in a church service on new year's eve. It was weird, but by the time we approached the new year, we knew that that night was ordered by God (I know it sounds like a cliche, but it is absolutely true). That night, there were 17 adults (consisting mostly young couples) in attendance. The number of children was about 12 (mostly under the age of six). As the time approached midnight, the priest of the house, my father, gave a word on faith to those in attendance. He then asked if anyone wished to say a few words concerning what they were thankful for. And after that, all the men spoke, as if on queue. Then my mother spoke and shared her feelings about the evening, and how we as a group was in God's order. She then requested words from the women. The women spoke and shared their thoughts. (they seemed to talk longer than their male counterpart ^_^) My wife was the last woman to speak, and she led the group in a moment of praise and worship unto God, as was right. We all were very thankful and in awe of God's power and grace.

We are all looking forward to the next get together! :-)

You can see photos at http://picasaweb.google.com/jason.mog. Select the album entitled "New-Years-Eve-2007-ElderBrownFellowship".