Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Undiluted, Uninhibited Jesus


I found the following to be a blessing. It is from's DAILY TUNE-UP section. The information in the entry is a reminder for me about the type of husband, friend, father and son I need to be.

The eternal One who established His kingdom in men two millenia ago is fully capable of producing it in us today. All we need is undiluted, uninhibited Jesus. All we need are hearts that will not be satisfied with something or someone less than Him.

If we argue church government and peripheral doctrines, we will miss completely the true purpose of the church, which is to make disciples of Jesus. Some of you want a pastor; others want elders. Still others will not budge without a deacon’s board. A few of you will be unsatisfied until apostles and prophets function interdependently.

Let me make it plain: God is not raising up “ministries”; He is raising up bondslaves. After we recognize that the goal is not ministry but slavery, we will begin to see the power of Christ restored to the church.

The pattern for leadership in the years ahead is simple: Leaders must be individuals whose burning passion is conformity to Jesus Christ. Is this not becoming the very passion of your heart, to possess the likeness of Christ? The issue with our churches is not merely one procedure over another; the issue is, will we become people who are seeking hard after Christ?

—Francis Frangipane

Lord, the church needs leaders who are seeking God, not their own promotion. Give us shepherds who are willing to serve as bondslaves of Christ.

Francis Frangipane, The House of the Lord (1991), 37–38.

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