Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Discerning the Process of A New Day


Pastor Willie Blakely brought forth a needful word on Sunday, April 20th.

The message from the Lord was about truly realizing that we need Him to properly live this life; that we need to direct others to Him (and not us) so that they may properly live this life. We need Him to carry out His will for our life while on this earth. We can no longer waste any more time trying to figure things out, or trying to seek others for advice, affirmation or agreement. We need to hear the truth, read the truth, speak the truth and live the truth. We have to either take God's Word as being true and powerful, or not. We have to be all in.

Pastor Blakely took his text from Isaiah 43.

Pastor Blakely informed us that God is trying to make His people realize that he is doing something new and trying to change our way of thinking so that we can move past our limited human thinking. We need to take the limits off of God and let Him be God. We have to realize that this life is not about us anymore. We have a higher purpose. And we don't have to worry about the devil derailing that purpose because we are more powerful than him. Once we really believe that and CHOOSE to operate in it, we will be in a totally different place spiritually. We would advance further along to where God can begin to really use us. We need to really see what God is trying to show us and wants us to see concerning our lives and His divine purpose.

We were reminded that God is not really interested in our gift. (He will use our gift because we are available at the time it is needed.) God is more interested in our character and that we do what is right. We cannot think of ourselves as not needing healing, mercy, repentance or forgiveness. We cannot get caught up in thinking of ourselves higher than we ought to. With that kind of thinking, we are setting ourselves up to fall and that could extended into the lives of the people that are rightly connected to us. Or, if we are in a leadership position, we could be leading God's people away from God instead of toward God. That would be a very terrible thing for all involved.

For those that have accepted Christ as their personal savior, this life is truly about doing God's will. We need to be in a place where we are more concerned with His will for our lives than anything else. We have to always remember that relationship is more important than religion. I don't think we can ever not need to be reminded of that fact.


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