Monday, April 14, 2008

Forget In Order to Identify


Minister Anh Brown allowed the Lord to use her to bring forth a simple, yet potent and timely word.

Her scriptural text was taken from Philipians 3:13.

The preacher for that day talked to us about forgetting our past so that we can identify who we are in Christ. We need to forget so that we are not hindered in identifying who we are. It is so important that we rely on God for everything. We cannot let our accomplishments or failures take the credit for who we are. And we don't want to use those accomplishments or failures as a crutch. We need to stand on God's word and trust in God with our whole heart. The former things are a hinderance, a weight that prevents us from moving like we should and where we should, for God and in God. (I know I need to let go of some things and truly embrace the possibilities in God.)

The preacher informed us that we need to learn to walk in the spirit. And she offered up a great definition for how someone actually walks in the spirit. And you might think is was something deep, but it wasn't. The way one walks in the spirit is by denying self. Yup, that is it. Simple, yet profound, huh? That is something which is easier said than done because of our self-preservation mindset. Imagine the freedom we would have if we stopped being so concerned with us all the time. We are upset about what this one said about us, or what that one did to us five years ago, five days ago or even five minutes ago. Imagine the lives we could touch by getting over ourselves and allowing God to rule our thoughts, our movement, our actions. As the preacher said, by allowing God to be responsible, it releases the pressure off of us. And that is a wonderful thing! ^_^


"Jesus plus nothing is all you need" -- Pastor Willie Blakely

1 comment:

taptone said...

Hey J,

Great insight on Sunday's message. You reminded me of some things I need to make a matter of prayer.

Thanks again,