Sunday, January 27, 2008

Any Given Sunday


Today, the family and I did not go to church. We went to Chinatown in Philadelphia to partake of Dim Sum. Dim Sum is what you might consider the Chinese version of brunch. However, the food choices are more exotic and not run-of-the-mill. For instance, they have one dish that is chicken's feet. Yes, chicken's feet. They have dishes anywhere from fried dumplings, to shrimp balls to dumplings with shrimp and scallions. I remember not really being into it when I was first introduced to it. However, at this point, I can say that I am a professional! :-)

We decided to "take off" from church today. We received inquires from different people asking if we were alright. It is funny how we ask someone if everything is alright when we don't see them in church. (I say "we" because I do the same thing.) I am not complaining, mind you. I thank God and appreciate that people are thinking about me and my family. But it just seems odd, though, that people assume something is wrong when you are not in church. But, as my wife pointed out to me, it is just that when people get used to you being present in church on a regular basis, and then you aren't, the natural train of thought is that something is wrong. I guess we have been conditioned to think that, because if something bad didn't happen, why wouldn't you be at church? But I am thankful that I am being taught that God is a god who is all about the family. And he would rather see your family in order before you are making sure the church is in order and your family is in shambles.

Surely, God is OK with your family not being in church, or more appropriately, praising Him in a corporate setting and hearing from his designated prophet/preacher/teacher. We have to remember, the four walls are not what constitutes our relationship with God. We have to have a relationship outside the four walls. If our "relationship" with God is only apparent on Sundays, then we are serious need of help. We need to make sure God is reverenced in our homes during the week, not just on Sunday when we are getting the family ready for church.

I wanted to share that tidbit in hopes that someone begins to see things in a different way.

By the way, I would recommend trying Dim Sum at least once in your life. If you need a recommendation, or would like some company and want to be a blessing (and not a curse ^_^) to the Brown family, let me know. :-)


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