Monday, March 24, 2008

Decide To Arise!


I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen savior. He got up from the grave after the third day!

God sent us a word via Pastor Willy Blakely on Sunday! The Lord asked us to make the decision to arise! God wants us to rise above the things that so easily take us off track and away from fellowship with him. He wants us to rise above the selfishness, the bad attitude, the fear, the past hurts, the misunderstandings, the lying, the anger, the low self esteem, grousing, etc.

Pastor's text was taken from Colossians 3:1-2.

Pastor pointed out that even though we rose from the grave with Jesus, some of us have went back to lay down in the grave. We need to first realize we have laid back down and then, with God's help, get back up and stay up! We need to be more mindful of what we are doing, saying, speaking, and hearing.

We were reminded to go back and take a look at the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-13) and to see if we have any of those working in us. If so, we need to ask God to cut it away from us, to prune us.

We were also told that we need to be able to fight for ourselves. We can't expect someone else to fight for us, if we won't even fight for ourselves. We have to be able to take a hit. We can't rely on the pastor, bishop or other saints ALL the time. We have to rely on God all the time and know when to call on the saints sparingly.

We were exhorted to be mindful of the spirit something is operating in. Meaning, we have to be careful in our conversations and ow much information we give out. As the word says, we should confess or faults (not sins) one to another. People don't need to know every wicked thing that you have done. There are people that can't handle that kind of information. Or, you have people that will take that information and use it against you. So, be careful about what you reveal to whom.

Saints, we really have to live this life the way God says to live in His word. We can't let anything become a weight to us as we run this race. We have too many important things to accomplish, rather, God has too many important things to accomplish through us. We need to stop the self-preservation and become sold out to God!

"Build your body as though you will live forever; build your spirit as though you will die tomorrow." -- Robert Fraley


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