Sunday, February 3, 2008

God Is Truly Good!


God really showed up today during our corporate meeting at Open Hands Ministries. I thank God for a church where God's presence is welcomed.

The word blessed me today because it was given from a computer terminology perspective. The message given through Pastor Blakely was given from the perspective of downloading software to a computer (for updating existing software) and the disk fragmentation process. I was following along very closely to make sure Pastor Blakely used the proper terms at the proper time. I was listening to make sure he didn't use the wrong term/word to describe something. (If he had used something incorrectly, would I have corrected him, I wondered. "Who am I to correct the Pastor," I thought. Well, he didn't mix up words, so thank God. ^_^ I digress. The analogy was a very good one. In our lives, through daily living, we get fragmented, meaning we have our mind, heart and spirit all over the place. Neither one is lined up as it should be. And when that happens, we are not in a good state. We can't respond to God like we should, we can't respond to the enemy like we should. When we reach that state, we are in need of defragmentation, meaning, we need to have everything brought together so that it is continuous, having no gaps. And after that, we need to have an update to our thinking, we need to have our hearts and spirit updated. That is when we need to stand under the download, as Pastor put it. We need to get the latest update from God so we can be about our assignments on this earth. We need an update so we can communicate properly to our spouse, so that we can deal with that co-worker or boss. I thank God for providing the update, but we need to make sure we get in the place to receive the updates on a regular basis.

The other wonderful thing is that your spouse has a part of the update (or download) you need. Praise God!! As the Bible says, the two shall become one, so it shouldn't surprise you that your spouse has an update that quickens something in you. God knows what He is doing. Let Him do it!! That means we all have to learn to get along with each other. No more fighting over petty things. Ask God for the update that will help you communicate with your spouse effectively. Don't rely on what you think you know, or what you saw your parents do (I mean no disrespect to anyone's parents).

The Lord also spoke through Pastor Blakely to tell us that we shouldn't think our life wasted if we don't know what our purpose is (we should want to know, though). So we shouldn't think we wasted time because a certain number of years have passed in our life and we think we should have done this thing or that thing. We just have to be obedient and willing when God reveals to us our purpose. I thank God for that because I am one who thinks that I have lived my life and have not accomplished anything according to God's purpose for my life. As I learned today, I need to just keep on living and doing what is right in God's eyes. In God's time, and as I spend time with God, I will know what my purpose is.

I don't believe I will think of downloads on my computer in the same way after this message. God knows how to make things plain enough for everyone of us to understand and process. God is truly good to his people!!

Be encouraged saints. Keep your focus on God and do what is right in God's eyes. God is doing something in your life, just trust Him and obey Him.


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