Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Real Deal: True Confessions


Grace and Peace to all who find themselves reading this blog entry. I trust all is well for your wherever, and however, you are at this time. If you are feeling a little down, I hope what you read here in this entry, or another entry, will lift your countenance to a better place.

At Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries today, the Lord used Pastor Tony Smith to speak to our hearts. God, through Pastor Smith, talked to us about being associated with God and how we arrive (or can arrive) at that association. We were told about true confessions and the real deal as it pertains to God and His son Jesus Christ.

Pastor Smith took his text from Romans 8:1-4, Matthew 19:16-22 and Romans 10:9.

Pastor Smith talked about how we all may have associated our salvation with a grandparent, or a parent or a relative. He talked about how we all knew the right things to say in the church and knew how to act in the church. And by "in the church," we mean in front of people. We know how to let people see what we want them to see. Pastor Tony talked about how God wants us to be transparent. Pastor Smith illustrated this with a brown paper bag and Ziploc(r) bag. The brown paper bag represented how we have a cover over us so that no one see what is going on in the inside. (We even think that God Almighty can't see through the paper bag). The Ziploc bag represented someone that is transparent -- they let God see what is going on with them on the inside.

Pastor Tony reminded us that we can have the real deal -- Jesus Christ -- for ourselves. We no longer have to live off of what grandma had/has or what our mother has. We can know Jesus for ourself. We can experience his unconditional love for ourself. We can (and will) be saved by association with Jesus Christ and not an association with our grandma, an uncle, or a step-parent. We need to make sure the only association we have when it comes to salvation is with Jesus Christ, because any other association is not real, and will only hurt us in the long term.

The scriptures Pastor Tony referenced help us to change our thinking when it comes to salvation and obtaining the real deal for ourselves. The scriptures remind us just how powerful, helpful and needful, the spirit of God is to us. The scriptures tell us just how powerful God's love is for us and that we can experience that love continuously. The scriptures tell us that we receive that love with a confession.

Be encouraged saints.


2008 Life Building Community Conference

Open Hands Community Outreach Corporation (an outreach ministry of Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries)
will be having a FREE conference on Saturday, April 26th at 11am at the Burlington Center Mall in the community room.

(Click here for directions to the Burlington Center Mall.)

The topics being discussed are as follows:
  1. Relationships

  2. Parenting

  3. Biblical Foundations

There will be time allowed for questions and answers, so come with your questions ready and be prepared to receive life building answers!

Refreshments and registration will be from 11am to 12pm.

Click the image below for the full itinerary for the conference.

For more information, please contact the following individuals:
  • Pastor Tony Smith --

  • Sister Ronell Smith --

  • Brother Jason B. Brown --

Below, please find a registration form. Click on the image to display it full size. At that point, you can print the form.

Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries, Inc., Pastors Willie G. and Margaret M. Blakely.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Decide To Arise!


I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen savior. He got up from the grave after the third day!

God sent us a word via Pastor Willy Blakely on Sunday! The Lord asked us to make the decision to arise! God wants us to rise above the things that so easily take us off track and away from fellowship with him. He wants us to rise above the selfishness, the bad attitude, the fear, the past hurts, the misunderstandings, the lying, the anger, the low self esteem, grousing, etc.

Pastor's text was taken from Colossians 3:1-2.

Pastor pointed out that even though we rose from the grave with Jesus, some of us have went back to lay down in the grave. We need to first realize we have laid back down and then, with God's help, get back up and stay up! We need to be more mindful of what we are doing, saying, speaking, and hearing.

We were reminded to go back and take a look at the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:19-13) and to see if we have any of those working in us. If so, we need to ask God to cut it away from us, to prune us.

We were also told that we need to be able to fight for ourselves. We can't expect someone else to fight for us, if we won't even fight for ourselves. We have to be able to take a hit. We can't rely on the pastor, bishop or other saints ALL the time. We have to rely on God all the time and know when to call on the saints sparingly.

We were exhorted to be mindful of the spirit something is operating in. Meaning, we have to be careful in our conversations and ow much information we give out. As the word says, we should confess or faults (not sins) one to another. People don't need to know every wicked thing that you have done. There are people that can't handle that kind of information. Or, you have people that will take that information and use it against you. So, be careful about what you reveal to whom.

Saints, we really have to live this life the way God says to live in His word. We can't let anything become a weight to us as we run this race. We have too many important things to accomplish, rather, God has too many important things to accomplish through us. We need to stop the self-preservation and become sold out to God!

"Build your body as though you will live forever; build your spirit as though you will die tomorrow." -- Robert Fraley


Monday, March 10, 2008

Choose You This Day...


People of God, on this past Sunday (March 09, 2008), we were spoken to by God Almighty concerning making a choice. We were given a warning from God that we must either choose to serve him or choose not to serve him. We cannot sit on the fence, meaning we won't go to the left or to the right. We are living this life like our lives are our own. If we have accepted Christ as our personal savior, then our life is not our own. We have to DIE to our flesh and let God use us. We have to do as the Holy Spirit instructs and directs us. Almighty God needs his people to be available, but if we are trying to sit on the fence, we are not available to God. We are not even hearing clearly from God; we are in a foggy state. We are like glass windows with sap on them -- the windows cannot be used to see out of (no vision), nor can they be used to let light in (revelation).

We were given scripture on how to live for God -- Galatians 5:19-23 and the book of Matthew chapter 6. Those scriptures show us how we ought to live on this earth. We were reminded that the scriptures deal mostly with building our character and teaching us how we should live on this earth. The scriptures aren't about just blessings; there are small sections spent on blessings. The scriptures are for showing us how to live on this earth, how we ought to treat one another, how we ought to conduct business (yes, conduct business). We cannot forget that God is concerned about our character more than our gift. We can't just treat people any kind of way. We can't be Lord of ourselves and Jesus Christ. I personally prefer Jesus Christ, as I would do some damage to myself (and others) if left to my own devices. Praise God for Jesus!!

We also have to stop classifying sins as if one is worse then the other. Sin is sin in God's eyes. The one that has a bad attitude and curses is just as bad as the one that murders. We have to get serious about our new life. We have to remember that we have a job to do; that we have purpose while on this earth. We want to leave this earth empty, meaning we want to have poured out all that God placed in us. We want to live a life that was good, not that looked good. We want to have exhibited the love of God while on this earth.

I know the word convicted me in how I speak to people and my wife. I have to be mindful of what I say AND how I say it. I shouldn't be tearing someone down with my words. If my conversation is not edifying or encouraging, then I need to not speak it. If I am thinking, I need to take it to God. I need to watch how I handle my thoughts. God is fine with thoughts coming to us, but the problem comes in when we allow those thoughts to turn into the wrong actions. We have to cast those un-Godly thoughts down. We need to immediately start praising God so that thought is quickly banished. Or read the Word of God.

We need to spend time with God on a regular basis. We need to be in tune with him so that we are headed in the proper direction for every area of our lives. We need leaders that are full of the knowledge of the Holy Spirit and not full of their own opinions and humanity that comes across the pulpit as "thus sayeth the Lord." That mess can (and has) destroy peoples' lives.

Saints, let us get it together. Please make the choice to live for God. We have lost souls that need us. We have family members and friends that need us to bring them to Christ.


Revelation 3:16
Joshua 24:15

Saturday, March 8, 2008



The following scripture was shared with me by a man of God, and it blessed me, so I thought I would pass it along with the intent that it would be a blessing to some one else.

2 Corinthians 4:13 - 18 (The Message Translation)

We're not keeping this quiet, not on your life. Just like the psalmist who wrote, "I believed it, so I said it," we say what we believe.

And what we believe is that the One who raised up the Master Jesus will just as certainly raise us up with you, alive.

Every detail works to your advantage and to God's glory: more and more grace, more and more people, more and more praise!

So we're not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.

These hard times are small potatoes compared to the coming good times, the lavish celebration prepared for us.

There's far more here than meets the eye. The things we see now are here today, gone tomorrow. But the things we can't see now will last forever.

This scripture reminds me that I need to trust God and make sure I continue on the path that he has set for me. It is the joy that is set before me that drives me; that allows me to endure. We need to know that it is not about us, it is about what God wants and has for us in the process of His divine purpose. The glory is God's. We do not deserve it and cannot attain it without His approval, which is his grace.

This scripture lets you know that the mess going on in your life, the struggles, the weird people, the rejections, the misunderstandings at work, home, or church, are for God's glory and to strengthen your faith in God. You are not crazy! Just trust in God and know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord, to those that are called to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Be encouraged saints.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

True Good News


Today was another blessed and beautiful day at Open Hands Evangelistic Ministries. Today was an extra special day since our Minister Tony Smith was officially elevated to the office of Pastor. We thank God for him and his obedience to God.

The word was brought forth through Minister Tony Smith. He wasn't actually "Pastor" until after the 3pm ceremony. ^_^) The Lord used him to remind us to keep the truth in the Gospel. And the Gospel means Good News. It is the Good News that Jesus Christ was born, obeyed God, served the people, died on the cross for you and me and was risen to life on the third day after his death. The preacher demonstrated for us how the message of the Good News was initially distorted and how it remains distorted through the ages (see Matthew 28). The preacher also informed us of just how important of a message the Gospel is and how serious it is that the message not be given with distortions or with upgrades or modifications (see Galatians 1:6-9). He informed us just how far off base we have become as a church body. Our focus has so easily become lost. We have forgotten about the lost souls, the people that God wanted to bring back into right relationship with Himself.

Minister Tony so eloquently expressed to us the urgency of keeping the truth in the gospel. We were reminded that there are people's lives at stake. He reminded us of the sin sickness that is plaguing this country. He pointed out that this country is in dire need of the Gospel and that the Gospel can't be altered or doctored up because the end result will be something far less powerful than what God intended.

The preacher could not do enough to make it known that the lost souls should be our main priority as a body of believers. We should not be coming to church week after week just to pump each other up and not effect change in someone's life that doesn't know Christ as their personal savior. It was a reminder that we still have work to do. It was reminder that we have not completed our purpose on this earth. It was a reminder that we need to be ready to use whatever God placed in us to help direct the lost to Christ.

(It is no surprise that Minister Tony was elevated to Pastor.)
