Monday, January 28, 2008

Just passing a good article on. Not that I know anything, or am admitting anything, but it is always good to keep yourself in check. No one is above temptation, so don't fool yourself.

The dangerous path leading to adultery.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Any Given Sunday


Today, the family and I did not go to church. We went to Chinatown in Philadelphia to partake of Dim Sum. Dim Sum is what you might consider the Chinese version of brunch. However, the food choices are more exotic and not run-of-the-mill. For instance, they have one dish that is chicken's feet. Yes, chicken's feet. They have dishes anywhere from fried dumplings, to shrimp balls to dumplings with shrimp and scallions. I remember not really being into it when I was first introduced to it. However, at this point, I can say that I am a professional! :-)

We decided to "take off" from church today. We received inquires from different people asking if we were alright. It is funny how we ask someone if everything is alright when we don't see them in church. (I say "we" because I do the same thing.) I am not complaining, mind you. I thank God and appreciate that people are thinking about me and my family. But it just seems odd, though, that people assume something is wrong when you are not in church. But, as my wife pointed out to me, it is just that when people get used to you being present in church on a regular basis, and then you aren't, the natural train of thought is that something is wrong. I guess we have been conditioned to think that, because if something bad didn't happen, why wouldn't you be at church? But I am thankful that I am being taught that God is a god who is all about the family. And he would rather see your family in order before you are making sure the church is in order and your family is in shambles.

Surely, God is OK with your family not being in church, or more appropriately, praising Him in a corporate setting and hearing from his designated prophet/preacher/teacher. We have to remember, the four walls are not what constitutes our relationship with God. We have to have a relationship outside the four walls. If our "relationship" with God is only apparent on Sundays, then we are serious need of help. We need to make sure God is reverenced in our homes during the week, not just on Sunday when we are getting the family ready for church.

I wanted to share that tidbit in hopes that someone begins to see things in a different way.

By the way, I would recommend trying Dim Sum at least once in your life. If you need a recommendation, or would like some company and want to be a blessing (and not a curse ^_^) to the Brown family, let me know. :-)


Sunday, January 13, 2008

Get a Realization of God in Your Life!


CHRISTIANS -- WAKE UP! We have to get it in our heads that our life is not our own! This life is not about "us, our four and no more." (Evangelist Ronell Smith)

The word today at Open Hands Ministries, brought through Evangelist Ronell Smith, was about us, as Christians, not needing a new word, but ACTIVATING the abundant word we have already heard. We have received so much "right now" word over the past few weeks, that we don't need any more. We need to take what we have and ACT on it! We need to pour out of ourselves, whether through prayer, ministering or fellowship, so that our brothers and sisters in Christ who are dying (spiritually) can live again (as was said by God to Ezekiel [see Ezekiel chapter 37]). We need to pour out of ourselves so the person, or family, that doesn't know the love of Christ can come into the saving grace of Jesus Christ. We need to pour out so that family, or person, can have life and have it more abundantly. And having life can be as simple as being able to enjoy the day with your family without the kids acting up, or mommy and daddy arguing. (This was the case for me and my family yesterday. I commented to my wife that I felt like the day we had on Saturday was real living. That is why Jesus came and died for us. I thank God for Jesus.)

So, as the preacher said on today, we cannot be happy with just us getting full off of how wonderful God is! We must be ever mindful of our brothers or sisters that are hurting. We must, as the Lord directs, be aware of what is going on behind the smile, behind the laughter. Our brother or sister could be in need of healing in their marriage, in their hearts.
or in their career. We just can't think that we live this life just for ourselves. We have to remember the new converts, we have to be mindful of our midnights and the morning afterwards and we have to be mindful to resurrect and strengthen our alters. We need to have consistent, quality time with God.


Husbands, Wives, Space and Time...


I just wanted to share a little something from my life concerning husbands, wives, space and time. By space and time I mean that husbands and wives need time apart. It is true that the Bible tells us "the two shall become one." However, that doesn't mean we are supposed to be around each other 24 hours a day, seven days a week. It is healthy and needful for a husband and wife to spend time apart. You need sometime apart to truly appreciate the time together. And make sure you have time together, because that is equally important. And time together is more than just having "married people relations," if you catch my drift.

For me and my wife, we learned that early on in our marriage. By early, I mean in the fifth year, or so, of marriage. And by learn, I mean that I realized that it was alright for my wife and I to spend time apart. I had to learn that the hard way -- meaning a few hash words and major problems in my marriage for it to get through to me. I needed to ask for help from God to get over my issues with always needing to be around my wife and the need to have to know where she is all the time (that translates into me having insecurity issues, which I am still struggling with at times). And if I am calling my wife to check up on her while she out, that is not good. I need to let my wife do her thing and realize that she will return home. And that means I need to occupy my time with something else and not concentrate on when my wife will be home. If you have children, you automatically have something to occupy your time. But if you don't, then I would suggest you get a hobby. Or find some friends to go out with yourself, or go out by yourself. In other words, get yourself a life.

As husband and wife, you will bring expectations or understandings into the marriage that you don't realize can cause major challenges, or major problems in the marriage if those expectations or understandings are not communicated. If you don't know by now, communication is key in all relationships. And we should be willing to communicate in relationships that are worth something. However, you must understand that men and women communicate very differently. So, husbands and wives are faced with the challenge to learn the most effective ways to communicate with each other. And this is not impossible, it just requires some effort.

So please, people, be OK with your spouse going out with the girls or the boys. It is all good. You should find that allowing them that time away will help them appreciate you more and let them know you are secure in your marriage.


Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Call [Sunday worship and word @]


This evening I would like to mention, briefly, what I experienced in church on this morning. Our group of believers had a visitation from God by way of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit admonished us to give him more of ourselves. We need to watch less television, or spend less time on the telephone, or spend less time on the computer. We need to spend more time building up our relationship with Him.

The preached word was a call to prepare ourselves by giving an identity and name to whatever God has placed in us and has prepared for us. We need to give that ministry, that gift an identity so it will flow. Without an identity, what is birthed can be taken and manipulated by someone that is not in the will of God, if we let them. We have to be ever so careful that we use an identity given by God so that we do not find ourselves in an identity crisis.

God is telling us that what we need is already provided. We just need to be ready for it, because it is coming. That is why we were instructed last Sunday to ressurect the altar; we need to be in consistent communion with God because he is ready to do some great things through us. We have the nerve to think we are waiting on God to get Himself together. That couldn't be further from the truth.

Today, the presence of God was in that place. I thank God for that presence. I thank God the opportunity to pray and publicly express thanks to God for His goodness and His grace.

We also gave a wonderous praise to God for the healing of our pastor. We thank God that He is not going to let happen what the enemy would like to see happen with the health of our pastor.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Eve 2007


We attended a fellowship/party at my parent's house on New year's eve 2007. This was the first time my wife and I were not in a church service on new year's eve. It was weird, but by the time we approached the new year, we knew that that night was ordered by God (I know it sounds like a cliche, but it is absolutely true). That night, there were 17 adults (consisting mostly young couples) in attendance. The number of children was about 12 (mostly under the age of six). As the time approached midnight, the priest of the house, my father, gave a word on faith to those in attendance. He then asked if anyone wished to say a few words concerning what they were thankful for. And after that, all the men spoke, as if on queue. Then my mother spoke and shared her feelings about the evening, and how we as a group was in God's order. She then requested words from the women. The women spoke and shared their thoughts. (they seemed to talk longer than their male counterpart ^_^) My wife was the last woman to speak, and she led the group in a moment of praise and worship unto God, as was right. We all were very thankful and in awe of God's power and grace.

We are all looking forward to the next get together! :-)

You can see photos at Select the album entitled "New-Years-Eve-2007-ElderBrownFellowship".